The Alfa Blog

Regulation Thermometry reflects hidden infections sitting at the root of some autoimmune disease.
What are the causal factors of autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Graves or Hashimoto's disease, Crohn's disease, Lupus and more: Regulation Thermometry reflects hidden infections sitting at the root of what created the autoimmunity.

Regulation Thermography vs. Regulation Thermometry
In many contexts, regulation “thermography” and regulation “thermometry” may seem like interchangeable words with similar definitions. However, they are distinct in their meanings and usage! Let’s go over what they mean and how they can help us to understand organ health and improve lives.

Identifying any underlying issues with Regulation Thermometry after COVID
How Regulation Thermometry can help distinguish factors that will make you more vulnerable to develop a serious condition versus breeze right through it. As we witness hundreds of thousands of deaths from complications of the pandemic, it becomes somewhat possible to identify those who pose maximum risk of death.

Should you get a mammogram every year?
Regulation thermometry could be useful in suggesting the frequency of radiation-based diagnostics. Screening mammography reduces mortality from breast cancer, including in women younger than age 50 years.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD. comments on the AlfaSight during the prestigious Medicine Week in Baden-Baden
“The principle of regulation thermography, I learned 15 years ago from Dr. Islers in Germany who was a friend of mine, and Alfa Thermography is the modern version of using all of the capabilities of a computer in conjunction with the measurements.