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Identifying any underlying issues with Regulation Thermometry after COVID

How Regulation Thermometry can help distinguish factors that will make you more vulnerable to develop a serious condition versus breeze right through it. As we witness hundreds of thousands of deaths from complications of the pandemic, it becomes somewhat possible to identify those who pose maximum risk of death.

The elderly with medical problems such as coagulation disorders, heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease have been identified as those who are most burdened by the threat the COVID virus poses to their life expectancy. Certain patients are obviously more prone to severe consequences of COVID: Cancer patients who may have limited immune responses due to chemotherapeutic interventions, chronic kidney disease, chronic lung diseases, dementia patients, diabetics, heart disease, HIV infected patients, liver diseased patients, and obese patients.

Diseases are not static -- they evolve. The beginning of most diseases can be measured, but the difficulty is that many diseases are not identified in time.

Regulation Thermography (Thermometry) is a single 20-minute test that surveys multiple organ systems and reflects severity of developmental stages of most of the conditions that are conducive to threaten the COVID patient’s longevity or survival. In the Regulation Thermometry report, there are in this case 2 predisposing factors that could interfere with survival of the COVID case: Food intolerance, - an inflammatory gut identification, and cardiac function abnormality. These would have not been identified by normal laboratory findings on admission to the hospital or clinic. Regulation Thermometry has an impressive role to help identify major risk groups to COVID consequences ahead of time that would result in life-saving results.