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The AlfaSight 9000


The Future of Medicine is about Preventative Care and Diagnostics.
You can discover causative factors in disease progression.


The AlfaSight 9000 is a robust, easy-to-use, and reproducible measurement system that utilizes streamlined infrared technology, artificial intelligence (AI), - and years of world-corroborated, accumulated data.  It’s a whole-body, early-detection system  that views a patient’s overall health while finding hidden issues and causes for many disease including pre-disease contributing factors.

The AlfaSight has detected predisposing factors for breast cancer sometimes years before a tumor is discoverable on a mammogram, heart conditions that have never been screened for, kidney dysfunctions in their beginning stages, and much more. 

  • Non-Invasive
  • Complete scan takes 20 minutes
  • Report generated seconds after measurement
  • Fully portable
  • No radiation or toxicity
  • Can be performed remotely
  • History of over 50,000 patients over 25 years
  • Laboratory/radiology corroboration discovered reproducible patterns

Organ Dysfunction Detection

Following is a list of some of the organ and tissue patterns that can be accurately recognized by the ALFA System:

  • Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes (Pancreas)
  • Breast (Breast Health, Cystic Changes)
  • Liver Disease and Function
  • Endocrine Function (Pituitary/Thyroid/Ovary)
  • Cardiac Function (Efficiency, Electrophysiology)
  • Brain and Headache
  • Dental Infections
  • Structural Integrity (Neuromuscular)
  • Pulmonary Function
  • Viral and Bacterial Disease Monitoring

The system can also identify parallel disease factors accompanying many conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cognitive disorders and viral diseases. Early stage detection of such factors is critical. The AlfaSight 9000TM is an adjunct diagnostic device.

"I am pleading with every one of my fellow practitioners to adopt this method for their clinic.
This technology is beyond extraordinary.”

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Alfa Reporting

The reporting software analyzes according to historical expert knowledge, allowing doctors to make accurate and real-time assessments of the systems behind disease existence and progression. 

Users can then prescribe definitive and focused follow-on tests that target revealed suspicions, ruling out other incorrect assumptions with an accelerated speed, saving time and endless effort. 

The ALFA System is Certified (ISO-13485) (Worldwide Quality Control) and is FDA 510k cleared for adjunct diagnosis by the very critical Center for Radiological Health.

Report Features

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Alfa Reports provide you all you need for accurate diagnosis


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120 Body Measurement Points

Early Disease
Pattern Recognition
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Heat map display
of physiological
Color mapping
chart for report
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Dental Reporting
for Body Correlation

Priorities and Recommendations
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Patient Overview

Easy To

“We respect this system since it utilizes mathematics and pattern recognition and intend to run clinical trials next to our MRI and CT”

Priscilla Slanetz, MD, MPH, Harvard Radiology Research

Regulation Thermography

Alfa Thermodiagnostics' mission is to bring innovative and systemic views and solutions to modern medicine. Alfa's focus is on dynamic analysis and functional methods of diagnosis that aid preventative care, improving the quality of life, and saving lives while minimizing costs.



Color Mapping


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