Should you get a mammogram every year?

Regulation thermometry could be useful in suggesting the frequency of radiation-based diagnostics. Screening mammography reduces mortality from breast cancer, including in women younger than age 50 years.
However, screening mammography carries harms such as false positive results that can lead to additional imaging and invasive and inflammation-causing biopsy procedures, and overdiagnosis that could lead to treatment in patients who may not benefit from it.
The Council on Science and Public Health and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) considered the balance of benefits and harms using a commissioned targeted systematic evidence review of randomized clinical trials and a decision analysis that compared the expected health outcomes of starting and ending mammography at different ages. Their recommendation for healthy women over the age of 50 is to receive a mammogram every two years, citing no other technology for monitoring in its place.
Regulation Thermography/Thermometry is approved for adjunct diagnosis of
1) abnormalities of the female breast as well as
2) neoplastic (tumor) conditions.
It is the answer for the months between mammograms and to, in addition, provide a window to the development of disease as it is building an environment that could lend support to a tumor-development process. Patients can return for follow-ups regularly as there is no radiation or harm in repeating thermograms.